What is my billing cycle? When is my bill due?
Answer: We bill on a monthly basis. Statements are mailed out by the first of each month and are due on the 20th.
What happens with my bill if I have a leak?
Answer: The District is responsible for all water up to the point of connection with the customer's meter/water line. Your bill will reflect the extra water usage cause by any leak that occurs on your side of the water meter. However, once the leak is found and repaired, a customer can ask to have the District calculate a leak adjustment to help lower the cost of your bill. The Board of Commissioners may, at their discretion, grant a water leak adjustment to customers who have incurred an unintentional water loss caused by a broken or malfunctioning plumbing fixture. The Board of Commissioners will review the request at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting. A Leak Adjustment Request form is provided under the "Forms" tab.
How do I read my Meter? Where is it located?
Your water meter is inside a rectangular concrete box, flush with the ground, and is usually located near the roadway. Be sure to watch for spiders and bugs when opening the box. It is a good idea to have a screwdriver handy if you need help getting the cover off and to clear any debris. Each full rotation of the sweep hand indicates one cubic foot, or 7.48 gallons of water. The markings around the outside of the dial indicate tenths and hundredths. All of our meters are in gallons. Read your meter as you would a car odometer. There is also a needle indicator that measures partial usage. This could be a red or black sweep hand similar to the hands on a clock. Record all gauge values, including the fractional value indicated by the sweep hand. Carefully and securely replace the concrete cover when finished.
I have a question about my bill, what should I do?
Answer: Please call the District office at (503) 458-6555 during regular business hours or go to the "Contact Us" page on this website and fill out the form and press the "Submit" button.
What do I need to do if I am selling my home?
Answer: Customers that wish to close their account with Wickiup Water District are required to complete a "Request for Disconnect" form. You can come to the office to complete the form in person, or request the form be mailed. A Request for Disconnect form is also provided under the "Forms" tab. You can download the form and mail it or drop it off at the District office. The form insures proper closure of your account, including the exact date you will be moving out so that we can get an accurate meter read. We also need an authorization from you, in writing, to discontinue water service. The forwarding address information will allow Wickiup Water District to mail your final bill, or refund, to you. If you do not notify us that you are moving out, the water account will remain in your name and it is your responsibility for any accrued balance.